Leanne Nalani

{July 23, 2013}   Q&A with Leanne

Just for fun, these questions are from Oprah’s website as conversation starters. Thanks GraceGotHealthy, for sharing these questions and your answers! Here’s mine:

Who was your favorite celebrity as a child?

edwardscissorhands-1342103064 Johnny-Depp-Cry-Baby

will smith fresh prince 02

I can’t choose just one. I was always a fan of Johnny Depp and Will Smith. I grew up with Edward Scissorhands, Cry Baby, and Fresh Prince!


What type of pets do you have?


Loki is our little blue merle pom. He’s 4 1/2.


What is your favorite color?



What is most memorable about your high school years?

The group of friends I hung out with. 10th grade was the best year, 11th grade was… Interesting. 12th grade I moved on to Running Start and did college full time in the mornings, shunning high school in order to get some credits and continue working part time as a receptionist/secretary/jack of all trades for a software training company.


What word describes you best?

Just ONE word? I don’t even want to answer this one because people who know me are gonna be like, “No way!” How about… Determined.

Determination: The ability to see past challenge rather to stare at it.

Or stubborn as hell, if you want to look at it that way. :p


What is your greatest accomplishment?

It would be easy to say getting a bachelor’s & masters degree and being a teacher. But having formal piano lessons for at least 10 years is another one. And maintaining a healthy weight for over a year is also a huge accomplishment for me.


What drives you every day?

Having goals or something to look forward to.


What is your favorite food?

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Ice cream. There’s no denying it.


Where do you want to retire?


I’ve been to HI a million times but Maui is my favorite, especially the Kihei area.


What is your business goal this year?

To learn more about co-teaching special education within general education classrooms and be the best special education teacher I can be to support the academic success of my students.


Where do you like to vacation?

Anywhere tropical (and 5 stars!), but that is a rarity because it’s so stupid expensive.



Who do you admire?

I’m a big fan of Jillian Michaels. I understand that there are people who love her and hate her for good reasons, but I admire her for her drive to push people.


She can yell at a person one second and then turn around and have a sincere heart to heart with them.


What is your mission?

To get this healthy living thing down to the point where I no longer feel the need to binge but am not afraid to indulge occasionally. Professionally, my mission is to prepare our students in special education for post high school.


If you were invisible, where would you go?

I’d sneak into concerts and airplanes so I could go on vacations for FREE! Oh, can my bags be invisible, too?


What traits in others are you attracted to?


Funny is also a big plus.


How do you want to be remembered?

As loving and a good person.


What would you do with a million dollars?

Move to a better area, buy a fancy modern home.


Of course in Seattle something like that would be multiple millions of dollars.


If you were on an island, who would you want to be with? Why?

My husband and my family because I love spending time with them.


You have a 10 minute speech to give at a high school, what is it about?

Either healthy living or tips for being successful in high school (for our freshmen, especially). Since I’m conveniently a high school teacher.

{July 23, 2013}   Daily Fitbit stats

My fitbit #Fitstats for 7/22/2013: 12,170 steps and 5.1 miles traveled. http://www.fitbit.com/user/24RSSB

et cetera