Leanne Nalani

{November 28, 2013}   Happy Thanksgiving!


Happy Turkey Day to everyone! I hope you have exciting plans and are looking forward to family, friends and good food as much as I am!

Here is a quick reminder of my goals for today:

1. Eat breakfast and a snack before leaving for the relatives’ house.

2. Do Ripped in 30

3. Wear form-fitting clothes, not loose but not too tight, either.

4. Eat all the Thanksgiving foods I want. Just don’t go back for seconds.

5. If there is pecan pie, try some. I’ve never had it before and I promised a student that I would try it for her if I see it. :)

6. Focus on family. Enjoy the company because they are the people I am grateful to have in my life. Food enhances the experience but it’s nothing without my loved ones.

Christmas Decorations!

Yesterday was nice and relaxing. I spent the morning lazing on the couch with my coffee and TV. Then I knocked out 40 minutes of high intensity Zumba.

Mike and I brought out all two boxes of Christmas decorations and put up the Christmas tree. I think the whole decorating process took 30 minutes. We don’t have a whole lot of flare for the house which is nice because it’s easy to unload and put away.






While setting up the tree we put on my favorite Christmas movie, “A Christmas Story”. Close behind that for favorites is “A Muppet Christmas Carol”.


One that Mike loves is “Scrooged”, but when he mentioned it to me I said I’d never seen it. Of course that meant we had to watch it! Last night we enjoyed a date night and I thought the movie was very funny!


As my sister would say, we broke the Christmas seal! This is probably the earliest we’ve started in on Christmas stuff before. It’s Thanksgiving today!

*What are you doing for Thanksgiving? 

*What is your favorite holiday movie?

{November 28, 2013}   Daily Fitbit stats

My fitbit #Fitstats for 11/27/2013: 11,462 steps and 4.8 miles traveled. http://www.fitbit.com/user/24RSSB

et cetera